Friday, 8 March 2013
1. Types of Computer Networks By The scale• Local Area Network (LAN) :: a computer network that connects one or more local computer to connect or communicate, and usually use a HUB / Server. LAN networks are generally constructed in one space such as a home or office.• Metropolitant Area Network (MAN) :: similar to the local area network (LAN), but includes the entire city or campus. MAN formed by connecting multiple LANs. Thus, MAN greater than LAN but smaller than a wide area network (WAN). MAN highly efficient and provide fast communication with a high-speed operators, such as fiber optics.• Wide Area Network (WAN) :: A WAN connecting over a LAN, and is used for a larger geographic area. WAN similar to the banking system, in which hundreds of branches in various cities are connected to each other to share their official data. A WAN works the same way as a LAN, only on a larger scale. Normally, TCP / IP is the protocol used for the WAN in combination with devices such as routers, switches, firewalls and modems.2. Types of Computer Network Based Functions• Peer-To-Peer (P2P) :: the computer is connected directly to one another, do not use enhancements such as a bridge or server as a liaison. So this one is a computer network that can communicate between computers directly with one another either in software or hardware.• Client - Server :: computer network requires a server computer as an intermediary between the client computer. serves to control access between the client u / communicate with other computers.3. Types of Computer Network Based on Network Topology• bus topology :: All computers in the network are connected with the main line (backbone), generally referred to using a regular cable (BUS). All computers can be connected in a network by using mediautama (BUS)• Topology star / star :: jaringa computer is most commonly used at the present time, computers - computers connected via a concentrator such as Switch, HUB or both. So the computer can be connected to another computer safely, although one of the computers are fine, the other computers are not affected and can still be connected.• Topology ring / token ring :: computer network model similar to the ring, one computer with other computers connected like a circle, for example, the first computer is connected to two computers, two computer to computer terhung three rivals and that, until the last computer will return to computer first. but the network this computer has the disadvantage that if one computer is broken / troubled the computer network also problematic.• Topology netting or mesh topology :: a network of computers connected to the computers directly to other computers that are on the network. So, in a mesh topology every computer can communicate directly with the destination computer. (• Topology tree :: type network coupled between BUS topology and star topology. This topology consists of a collection of star topology are connected in a BUS topology as the main (backbone). Computers connected to the hub, while the other hub connecting the main line. ( Types of Computer Network Based on data transmission medium• Wired Network (Wired Network) :: A computer network that uses cables, so to connect a computer to another computer in the form of a network cable connecting required. The function of the network cable to send information between computers in the form of electricity network.• Wireless Network (WI-FI) :: a network that uses electromagnetic waves. These networks do not need a longer cable to be connected between the computer with other computers, because this network only uses electromagnetic waves that would send a signal information between networked computers.
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